Howdy, you've reached the personal website of Stephen Gibbel. I occasionally make things in my spare time. Some of those things can be viewed here under the projects page, while the content more fitting a blog can be found under the articles heading. This site uses no cookies, contains no ads, no user tracking, and no 3rd party JS save for JQuery and the Ubuntu font via Google.

If you wish to contact me, you can do so via email at
Recent news:

2019-01-27: SwayWM & i3status config added
2019-01-20: Mandelbrot Explorer added
2019-01-20: Foxfire project page added
2019-01-14: Sky Pi SSTV page added
2018-12-31: G513 keyboard effect added
2018-09-09: OpenBSD TrackPoint fixes added
2018-08-24: Fountain pen section added
2018-08-19: Photography page updated
2018-05-01: New website first brought online
RSS feed